
We Get Retail Sold

May 15, 2019 | Palomar Group


Real Estate is extremely cut and dry when it comes to evaluating a firm’s success. In the commercial real estate space of Investment Sales there is only one question that matters: did you sell the deal? There is no grey area or ambiguity, the results are tangible. The Palomar Group is proud of our accomplishment of a 95% success rate on listed transactions – a rate that is as strong as any investment sales firm in the country.


There is no secret formula to our success in selling deals. The team members at Palomar all share a common trait that we strongly believe is key to our culture and success… Athletics. Every Palomar member played athletics from their youth years into college, and in some cases, the professional level. We believe that the foundation of life skills, work ethic, preparation, leadership, persistence, accountability, teamwork, trust, competitiveness/ a drive to win, perseverance, time management, goal setting, and determination make up the core of what Palomar is.


In athletics, great teammates and successful athletes are accustomed to failure, adversity and success. At an early age you learn how to win gracefully and how to learn from and bounce back from a difficult loss or a poor performance. Athletes have an innate aptitude for responding to these different situations. They use adversity and failure as motivation, if they make a mistake they are accountable and acceptable to constructive criticism and/ or coaching, they have a will and determination to succeed, they do not want to let their teammates down, they are persistent to a fault in working towards accomplishing a common goal, they have trust that their teammates will do what’s expected, they set goals and work diligently to meet their goals. For the athlete, these traits stand the test of time, translate seamlessly from the locker room to the boardroom, and directly correlate to productivity and success in the world of business.


The Palomar Group has come a long way in a short period of time; and have much more to accomplish. We feel strongly that the life skills learned through athletics continue to play a role in our success today. Like in competition, we are constantly working to get better and to provide a better service to our clients. We are passionate about our work. We are hungry for professional and personal growth, and that hunger drives us in Getting Retail Sold.

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