
Put that iPad Down

March 6, 2019 | Palomar Group


“Put down the iPad and go outside to play”

This line is way too frequently echoed to the children of the Partners at Palomar.

Too often we find ourselves getting wrapped up in the day to day minutia of office work.  Hours of computer time deeply wrapped up in the weeds on deal procurement, underwriting, market research, marketing production, contract negotiations, database management, etc. In an exercise of self-scouting, it become obvious that we do our best work when we put our boots on the ground and get face to face with the assets and the people.  It was time to remove ourselves from the comfortable confines of the office “and go outside to play”.

We at Palomar have heeded our own advice. This past week our team more resembled Burt Reynolds and the motley crew from Cannonball Run than an investment sales shop.  Four of the team members separately embarked on journeys covering the sand hills of NC, the beautiful coasts of the North Carolina, the Queen City, the naval yards of Newport News, the hills of Alabama, the skyline of Atlanta, the famed Riverwalk of Jacksonville, the wonders of Disney, and the bountiful Gulf Coast of Tampa.


In all the Palomar team logged 3,140 miles, totaling 50 hours of road time, getting an up-close look at markets, assets, and spending valuable time with friends in the industry.  Stay tuned as we have some exciting new offerings in Virginia, North Carolina, Alabama and Florida slated to hit the market.

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