The Palomar Group Announces Closing of Kroger-Anchored Irmo Station in Columbia, SC

March 10, 2025 | Palomar Group

The Palomar Group, a full-service commercial investment sales firm, is pleased to announce the successful…

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New Team Member: Jessica Caron

September 24, 2019

SEPTEMBER 24, 2019 | THE PALOMAR GROUP Jessica is a graduate of Georgia College with a Bachelor of Business Administration in Marketing, where she academically ranked in the top 10% of the J. Whitney Bunting…

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water cooler

WATER COOLER TALK: Interest Rates and Inflation

October 4, 2019

JULY 18, 2019 | THE PALOMAR GROUP Interest rates are 120 bps lower than they were in November 2018. At the beginning of 2019, the Federal Reserve Chairman, Jerome Powell, predicted that the Fed would…

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State of the Market: Grocery Anchored Centers

July 15, 2019

JULY 15, 2019 | THE PALOMAR GROUP Over the past three years the evolution of retail is one of the most frequently discussed topics in the CRE industry.  Here are some interesting takeaways from the…

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We Get Retail Sold

May 15, 2019

MAY 15, 2019 | THE PALOMAR GROUP Real Estate is extremely cut and dry when it comes to evaluating a firm’s success. In the commercial real estate space of Investment Sales there is only one…

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What Happened To The Retail Apocalypse Pt. 2

March 18, 2019

MARCH 18, 2019 | THE PALOMAR GROUP The headlines predicted that 2018 would be the sequel to the Retail Apocalypse of 2017.  The news was frequently flooded with stories about the death of Brick and…

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Put that iPad Down

March 6, 2019

MARCH 6, 2019 | THE PALOMAR GROUP “Put down the iPad and go outside to play” This line is way too frequently echoed to the children of the Partners at Palomar. Too often we find…

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You Play to Win the Game

February 21, 2019

FEBRUARY 21, 2019 | THE PALOMAR GROUP  It was a 2002 quote by Herm Edwards that will go down in sports media history, “That’s the great thing about sports, you play to win the game.”…

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What is a Sale Leaseback?

January 2, 2019

What is a Sale Leaseback? A sale-leaseback is when a property owner sells their asset and leases it back from the buyer. In most cases, sale leasebacks are 10 to 30 years and triple net…

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The Case For Including Single-tenant Net Lease Properties In Your Investment Portfolio

December 20, 2018

DECEMBER 20, 2018 | THE PALOMAR GROUP Any wealth manager will tell you until they are blue in the face that diversification is the cornerstone of any portfolio with a long-term investment horizon. In a…

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Opportunity Zones: How Investors Can Benefit From Investing In Them

October 29, 2018

OCTOBER 29, 2018 | THE PALOMAR GROUP The Opportunity Zone program was included in the federal Tax Cuts and Jobs Act in December of 2017. New investments in Opportunity Zones will be eligible for preferential…

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New Listings in Oklahoma and Virginia!

September 27, 2018

SEPTEMBER 27, 2018 | THE PALOMAR GROUP The Palomar Group is pleased to bring to market two new listings this week in Oklahoma and Virginia. In Oklahoma, we are offering a new construction NNN Zaxby’s….

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Just Sold! Take 5 Oil Change Ground Lease – Atlanta, GA

September 6, 2018

SEPTEMBER 6, 2018 | THE PALOMAR GROUP The Palomar Group is pleased to announce the sale of a new construction Take 5 Oil Change Ground Lease in Atlanta, GA.  Take 5 is an emerging brand…

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